Get your exercise on anywhere with just 5 minutes!

Get your exercise on anywhere with just 5 minutes!

Get your exercise on anywhere with just 5 minutes!   “I don’t have time to workout…” I know I’ve said that a million times. But really you probably have at least 5 minutes? It’s never fun to get stuck in a rut of jumping jacks or lifting weights even if you DO...
Getting Grateful, even for the s*it show 🙏🏻🏻

Getting Grateful, even for the s*it show 🙏🏻🏻

I’m in a yoga class as a student (love doing this btw) and the teacher says, “open your heart to living a life of gratitude”. Mmmk.Thank you for my house. Thank you for food. Thank you for my car. Thank you for my bed. Thank you for how ridiculous I must look trying...
Get out of your past.

Get out of your past.

Your inner voice… whose voice is that? Should you believe everything you think?Without judgement, get curious about your inner dialogue, the way you speak to yourself, the way you stand, the habits you have, the way you see yourself, the way you connect with yourself,...
Get real with your schedule.

Get real with your schedule.

Ever felt like you are drowning in your schedule? Your life feels like a series drive thru’s and box dinners, you’re exhausted by the afternoon and need a caffeine or sugar pick me up to keep you from crashing, your workouts, sleep, journal or creativity time are the...
Get connected with nature.

Get connected with nature.

“Put down the Prozac and put on your walking shoes.”Did you know that doctors are now prescribing nature? Scientific studies have proven that connecting with nature can in some instances be more effective than antidepressants! According to a study by the European...