Get real with your schedule.
Ever felt like you are drowning in your schedule? Your life feels like a series drive thru’s and box dinners, you’re exhausted by the afternoon and need a caffeine or sugar pick me up to keep you from crashing, your workouts, sleep, journal or creativity...

Get connected with nature.
“Put down the Prozac and put on your walking shoes.”Did you know that doctors are now prescribing nature? Scientific studies have proven that connecting with nature can in some instances be more effective than antidepressants! According to a study by the...

Get real with your goals.
Write down all your goals. Even the big, audacious ones. All. Of. Them. Go through and circle which ones are dreams (“like maybe one day” or “it’d be nice but ya know” or “my Mom really wanted this for me but I don’t really want it”...) and which ones are...

Get tall.
“A person is only as young as their spine.” -Joseph Pilates If you hang around me for any amount of time, you’ll hear me say, “shoulders back, sit tall...” over and over and in about 100 different ways in a Pilates class. I look back at pictures of me...

Christy’s Superfood Smoothie
These are my favorite products for the base of my incredible Superfood Smoothie Protein Shake that I crave everyday. I especially love adding “good fats” like Almond Butter and Avocado Oil, and the Pre-Biotic is a fantastic way to fertilize the good bacteria in our...

How to release stress and lose stubborn belly fat
Are you beyond frustrated about stubborn belly fat? You’ll be shocked to learn what the real cause is, and how to finally reverse it for good. Do you feel overwhelmed and frustrated? Are you constantly comparing yourself to others or a younger version of yourself? Do...