Write down all your goals. Even the big, audacious ones. All. Of. Them.

Go through and circle which ones are dreams (“like maybe one day” or “it’d be nice but ya know” or “my Mom really wanted this for me but I don’t really want it”…) and which ones are obsession’s (like “this is NOT not going to happen” or “this is an absolute for my journey to feel complete” or “my soul lights up when I think about this”…).

What do you notice when you separate them into those 2 categories? Which ones feel do-able? Which ones feel like they open you up to living your best life?

Pick the one or two that feel good to get started on. So many times we try and change too much, too fast and we get overwhelmed, frustrated and lost.

Ever created goals that you were so excited about and did really great for about 2 weeks or even 2 months and then things fell through? You stopped going for that jog, you stopped going to that class, you blew off the girls trip, you went back to the drive thru’s, you didn’t lose the 5 pounds you were trying desperately to lose, you brought back out the “fat pants”, or you bought a tub of ice cream and went back to binging.

wellness coach


The thing you wanted was a threat to the subconscious story you are telling yourself about your core beliefs about who you are. Until you re-write the story, you’ll find a way to sabotage. And sabotage is not your fault.

Sabotage is adaptation or survival patterns trying to keep you safe and exactly where you are, no matter how painful where you are may seem.

Not getting clear on what you want, is sabotage.
Not committing the time, money or energy, is sabotage.
Not asking for help, is sabotage.
Not making yourself a priority, is sabotage.
Not putting yourself first, is sabotage.
Not getting real with your excuses, is sabotage.
Not dealing with your past, your limiting beliefs or your victim mindset, is sabotage.
Not playing full out, is sabotage.
Not honoring your yes’s and your no’s for what everyone else thinks you should be, act or do, is sabotage.
Not getting real about what your internal dialogue is telling you, is sabotage.
Not stepping into your power about what you really want, is sabotage.
Procrastination is sabotage.
Perfection is sabotage.
Distraction is sabotage.

Sabotage is sneaky. In my “Take Back Your Life” Transformational Coaching Programs, we unravel and re-wire sabotage in a way that’s easy to understand, guaranteed to bring some big aha’s and sets you on the empowered path to move past it and reach your goals with the right support and accountability every step of the way.

Ready to get started today? Grab your journal and consider these questions.

Who or what are you belonging to by staying stuck? What is the story you are telling yourself about what will happen if you actually had what you wanted?

Get really real about why you want what you want? What magic does it hold for you? What is it important to you? How would you really feel having it? Who or what might lose or be uncomfortable if you got it? Who or what would you have to let go of in order to get it? What is the fear around your goal and are those fears really true?

Once you explore the real magic behind your goals and how to harness it, your fears around it shrink and lose power. You’ll feel more empowered and motivated to take the steps to start and STICK with it!!

It took a series of life changing moments for me to ditch yo-yo dieting for good and uncover what was really keeping me stuck, lose the weight for good without supplements or deprivation, quit my tenured job as an Art Teacher and open my own Wellness Studio where I get to help others crush their health and life goals too!

health and wellness coach

christy cater

Exploring the magic behind your goals and getting real with having what you want is powerful work.

You don’t have to let more time slip by wondering how to unlock your power and stop sabotage for good.

Click here for more information on how I help women just like you get real with your weight loss, your health, your power, purpose and potential and take back your life.
